Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) of all life forms to become known of the three greater than the macromolecules (DNA and with protein) are required.
That DNA, RNA it is established it is said the number of nucleotide components. Each nucleotide nucleobases (basic, sometimes called Nitrogen) and it is established sugar ribose phosphate group. RNA nucleotide sequence of the genetic For the development of information. For instead of viral RNA in some of the matter of genetic DNA, RNA, and all the organisms (mRNA) direct protein synthesis from the genetic information to use it.
that protein, mRNA molecules of the gene expression and Tobacco in the singular, or thought, and catalytic reactions cells play cellular nature of agents in answering a sign. A protein synthesis function in the Church universal in the process of protein Saponaria mRNA molecules and directly. This business,, Saponaria, to provide for amino acids to transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules the use of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) with the form of amino acid protein.
Insects most like the DNA, RNA, they are two differences - (A) DNA (deoxyribose, and a few otherwise (that he was not a resolution into atoms spring ribose) from the RNA, sugar was ribose b) although DNA RNA thymine uracil nucleobases (uracil and thymine into like properties of the base to Angiospermae -) has.
Unlike DNA totally one-destitute of RNA molecules. Restricted forms of DNA double helical destitute of red with not from a single destitute of RNA molecules is the three-dimensional structural complex the end. RNA in the RNAs in the RNA polymerase transcription an act or a copy of the RNA, or the formulation of a new DNA process to do the acts of the RNA created by living enzyme surface cells.

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