New Microscope Records Firing of Thousands of Individual Neurons in 3-D

Understanding the cause of these latter diseases, the brains to illustrate is the key. But even the best imaging devices - fMRIs and PET scans - can only give a picture 'coarse' of brain activity.
UCLA neuroscientists are now working with physicists to non-invasive, Ultra-high-speed microscopy that can record in real time on the firing of thousands of individual neurons in the brains as they relate to or do not communicate with each other to develop.
"We think this is the world's fastest two-photon microscope and excitation of three-dimensional imaging in vivo," says professor of physics at the University of California, Katsushi Arisaka who designed the new optical imaging system, UCLA assistant professor of neurology neurobiology Dr. Carlos Portera-Cailliau and colleagues.
Their research appears in the January 9 edition of Nature Methods magazine.
Nuerupsichiatriut diseases such as mental retardation, autism often show no physical damage to the brains that I thought they were caused by problems in superconductivity - neurons do not fire properly. Normal cells have patterns of electrical activity, said Portera-Cailliau, but normal cell activity as a whole does not have the relevant information that the brains to use.
"One of the biggest challenges for neuroscience in the 21st century is to understand how the brains billion neurons communicate with each other to form complex behaviors to produce," he said. 'The ultimate advantage because this type of study to decipher how destructive patterns of activity between neurons in a variety of symptoms Nuerupsichiatriut devastating disease. "
In recent years, Portera-Cailliau already using calcium imaging, a technique that fluorescent colors that are acquired by using neurons. When activated cell are "flashing lights on a Christmas tree," he said. "Our task is now to decipher the code, using neurons, which are buried in the flashing light patterns."
But the technique had limitations by Portera-Cailliau.
"Letter of calcium based neon color faded when we used imaging deep in the cerebral cortex. Can not photocells," he said.
Another problem was the speed. And Portera-Cailliau colleagues were concerned they had missed information because they could not picture a pretty large part of the brains quickly enough for the group firing of individual neurons to try. This was the impetus behind the collaboration with the Arisaka and one of his students, Adrian Chang, a better way to quickly record the neural activity found.
Imaging technology they developed called two-photon microscopy with the multi-spatio-temporal excitation emission multiplexing - for a short race. They changed two photon laser scanning microscope image to color fluorescent calcium within neurons, in a way the primary laser beam into four small booklets. This allowed them to record brain four times the previous version, or four times faster. In addition, they used a different bundle of neurons in the brains record at different depths, making the effect of 3-D, which has never been done before.
"Most video cameras are designed to provide an image with 30 frames per second capture. What we did was a speed of 10 times to about 250 frames per second," said Arisaka. "And we are working on making it even faster."
The result, he said, is high-resolution video in three dimensions of the neural circuit activity of the living.
Using calcium imaging study is giving dividends. Portera-Cailliau studies fragile X syndrome, a form of autism. By comparing the normal mouse cortex of the mouse fragile X mutation, his team distinct confusion Fragile X occurs in the brains.
Other authors consider the first co-authors include Joe Chang Thiago Goncalves and Peyman Golshani all UCLA. Research funding was provided by the National Institutes of Health.

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