
lipids in terms of a number of compounds with different molecular level the catchall for relatively water mixture, or nonpolar solubl biological origin, including the public, fat, fatty-acid shoot fosfolipid, sfengolipid, glikolipid and tèrpenoid (eg retinoid and steroids). Some lipids are linear molecules sature, while others have a ring structure. Some herbal medicines, and others are not. Some are flexible, while others are rough.
More polar nature of some lipids were also mostly nonpolar. In general, most of the structure of nonpolar or idrofob («fear of water), this means that on a polar solvents like water? The other part of the structure idrofil or polar (like water) and tend to be associated with polar solvents like water. This makes the molecule anfifil (with both food-serving and idrofob idrofil). In case of cholesterol, the polar group is limited-oh (idroksi or alcoholic beverages). If fosfolipid, polar groups are considerably larger and more polar, as described below.
Lipids, which is an integral part of our daily diet is. The majority of oils and dairy products, which we use to eat foods such as cheese, butter, etc. Oil, are composed of fat. Vegetable oils are rich in different fatty acids poliensature (PUFA). Lipids foods undergo digestion in the body, and into fatty acids and gliserin, the final degradation product of fat and lipids

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