Researchers from the University of Connecticut recently unveiled their latest invention, which is a long-lasting LED light bulb that makes use of salmon DNA.
Scientists added two different fluorescent colors to the DNA molecules, the dyes being spaced from each other at a distance ranging from 2 to 10 nanometers. After the colors were added, the DNA molecules are spun into nanofibers. The UV light that produces LED is then covered with DNA nanofibers.
David Walt, a chemistry professor at Tufts University, explained: "When UV light is shined on the material, one dye absorbs the energy and produces blue light. If the other dye molecule is at the right distance, it will absorb part of that blue-light energy and emit orange light." By changing the ratios of dyes, one can adjust the quality of light, for example turning cool white into warm white.
But just like all latest inventions, this one still requires more studying. Besides there is currently no information regarding how many lumens per watt the salmon DNA LEDs generate, which is why it is too early to say anything about longer life or improved light quality. More information is available here .

Advances in Carbon Nanotubes Could Lead to the Construction of Space Elevator

London, advances in carbon nanotubes could lead to the creation of a tether that could stretch over 22,000 miles into space and be used to bring cargo into outer space and back.
It is worth mentioning that the idea to create a space elevator is not new. But despite the fact that the idea was for the first time proposed at the end of 19th century, it has never been considered practical. This is because researchers were unable to find a material that would be strong enough to reach the outer space.
But things have changed with the discovery of carbon nanotubes, which are still in the development stage. In theory these nanotubes are strong enough to reach the outer space.
The proposal to use carbon nanotubes to create space elevators was proposed by Mark Miodownik, a materials scientist at King's College London. The announcement was made at the Royal Institution’s Christmas lecture.
In case researchers create a strong cable for space elevators, it would need to be maintained under tension by the gravity forces and outward centrifugal acceleration.
NASA said that it would offer $3 million over the next 5 years to study the idea and is currently developing scale models.
Miodownik also mentioned that though under development, carbon nanotubes are the first material that can really be used to accomplish their goal.

Latest Invention: Robot that Makes Discoveries on Its Own

Scientists at Aberystwyth University and the University of Cambridge in the UK managed to create world's first robot that can carry out its own experiments, produce hypotheses as well as make scientific discoveries. Researchers dubbed their latest invention Adam.
Working on its own, the robot-scientist already managed to find new functions for several genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, also known as brewer's yeast.
The lead-researcher of the project is Ross King, a computational biologist at Aberystwyth. He says that up till now Adam made modest findings, but all the discoveries were real. Their latest invention consists of a room equipped with different laboratory instruments. It includes 4 personal computers that work as one brain. In addition, Adam has robot arms, a number of cameras, liquid handlers, incubators and more.
Performing the Experiment
Scientists gave their latest invention a freezer with a collection of mutant strains of yeast where individual genes were deleted. The robot was also provided with a database that contained information on the yeast genes, enzymes and metabolism, as well as a supply of hundreds of metabolites.
In order to find which genes coded for which enzymes, the robot cultured mutant yeast that had a specific gene deleted. Then it analyzed the way mutant grew without a certain metabolite. In case the strain was spotted to grow not very well, Adam registered new information about the function of the deleted gene.
It is worth mentioning that Adam is able to perform over 1,000 similar experiments daily. So far, the robot came up with and tested 20 hypotheses about the coding of genes for 13 enzymes, from which 12 were confirmed by researchers, who carried out their own experiments.

Living Cells Used to Create 'Biotic' Video Games

The digital revolution has triggered a wild proliferation of video games, but what of the revolution in biotechnology? Does it have the potential to spawn its own brood of games? Stanford physicist Ingmar Riedel-Kruse has begun developing "biotic games" involving paramecia and other living organisms. He hopes the games lead to advances in education and crowd-sourcing of laboratory research while helping to raise the level of public discourse on bio-related issuesUsing living organisms, the group created three games that mimic some classic video games.

Video game designers are always striving to make games more lifelike, but they'll have a hard time topping what Stanford researcher Ingmar Riedel-Kruse is up to. He's introducing life itself into games.

Riedel-Kruse and his lab group have developed the first video games in which a player's actions influence the behavior of living microorganisms in real time -- while the game is being played.

These "biotic games" involve a variety of basic biological processes and some simple single-celled organisms (such as paramecia) in combination with biotechnology.

The goal is for players to have fun interacting with biological processes, without dealing with the rigor of conducting a formal experiment, said Riedel-Kruse, an assistant professor of bioengineering.

"We hope that by playing games involving biology of a scale too small to see with the naked eye, people will realize how amazing these processes are and they'll get curious and want to know more," he said.

"The applications we can envision so far are on the one hand educational, for people to learn about biology, but we are also thinking perhaps we could have people running real experiments as they play these games.

"That is something to figure out for the future, what are good research problems which a lay person could really be involved in and make substantial contributions. This approach is often referred to as crowd-sourcing."

Applying their lab equipment and knowledge to game development, Riedel-Kruse's group came up with eight games falling broadly into three classes, depending on whether players directly interact with biological processes on the scale of molecules, single cells or colonies of single cells.

The results of their design efforts are presented in a paper published in the 10th anniversary issue of Lab on a Chip (the first issue of 2011), published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The paper is available online now.

Initially, Riedel-Kruse said, the researchers just wanted to see whether they could design such biotic games at all, so this first round of development produced fairly simple games.

"We tried to mimic some classic video games," he said. For example, one game in which players guide paramecia to "gobble up" little balls, a la PacMan, was christened PAC-mecium. Then there is Biotic Pinball, POND PONG and Ciliaball. The latter game is named for the tiny hairs, called cilia, that paramecia use in a flipper-like fashion to swim around -- and in the game enables kicking a virtual soccer ball.

Cheese-Making Bacteria Can Also Be Used to Make Biofuels, Researchers Find

A group of researchers from Concordia University managed to discover a new method of producing sustainable fuels. Their method involves the use of the same bacteria that turns cheese into milk.
The researchers that took part in a recent study, Vincent Martin and his PhD student Andrew Wieczorek, say that the bacteria, known as Lactococcus lactic, is able to digest plant matter to transform it into biofuel.
According to Martin, the bacteria could be an important player "in the development of recombinant microorganisms capable of … direct conversion of cellulosic substrates into fuels."
It is worth mentioning that the research was published in the latest issue of the Microbial Cell Factories journal.
Researchers say that the next step in the study is to find whether the bacteria's proteins can be used to make other bio-processes that could lead to efficient and clean biofuels, reports Inhabitat.

Latest Invention: Nanotechnology to Help Create Self-cleaning Solar Panels

The latest invention from scientists of Tel Aviv University could lead to the creation of highly-efficient solar cells. Scientists consider that their latest research in the field of nanotechnology could help develop a completely new type of glass and solar panels that won't require cleaning.
The arrays of self-assembling protein nanotubes, developed by the team of researchers led by Prof. Ehud Gazit of the university's department of molecular microbiology and biotechnology, can have a wide range of uses, for instance the construction of self-cleaning skyscrapers covered with special glass.
It is worth mentioning that this latest invention is hydrophobic, thus it repels water and small dust particles, informs The Jerusalem Post. In case it is applied in the development of solar panels, the latter could significantly increase their efficiency.
The invention could also help develop super-capacitors, thus researchers will be able to create rechargeable electric batteries able to store the amounts of power that would be much larger compared to conventional batteries. The latest technology will make it possible for the capacitors to discharge power quickly, which is a great advantage for the development of electric cars - a quick release of power means that an electric vehicle will have a faster acceleration.


Nanobiotechnology is the branch of nanotechnology with biological and biochemical applications or uses. Nanobiotechnology often studies existing elements of nature in order to fabricate new devices.
The term bionanotechnology is often used interchangeably with nanobiotechnology, though a distinction is sometimes drawn between the two. If the two are distinguished, nanobiotechnology usually refers to the use of nanotechnology to further the goals of biotechnology, while bionanotechnology might refer to any overlap between biology and nanotechnology, including the use of biomolecules as part of or as an inspiration for nanotechnological devices.
Nanobiotechnology is that branch of one, which deals with the study and application of biological and biochemical activities from elements of nature to fabricate new devices like biosensors.
Nanobiotechnology is often used to describe the overlapping multidisciplinary activities associated with biosensors - particularly where photonics, chemistry, biology, biophysics nanomedicine and engineering waveguide techniques such as dual polarization interferometry are another example. converge. Measurement in biology using for example,

New Microscope Records Firing of Thousands of Individual Neurons in 3-D

Understanding the cause of these latter diseases, the brains to illustrate is the key. But even the best imaging devices - fMRIs and PET scans - can only give a picture 'coarse' of brain activity.
UCLA neuroscientists are now working with physicists to non-invasive, Ultra-high-speed microscopy that can record in real time on the firing of thousands of individual neurons in the brains as they relate to or do not communicate with each other to develop.
"We think this is the world's fastest two-photon microscope and excitation of three-dimensional imaging in vivo," says professor of physics at the University of California, Katsushi Arisaka who designed the new optical imaging system, UCLA assistant professor of neurology neurobiology Dr. Carlos Portera-Cailliau and colleagues.
Their research appears in the January 9 edition of Nature Methods magazine.
Nuerupsichiatriut diseases such as mental retardation, autism often show no physical damage to the brains that I thought they were caused by problems in superconductivity - neurons do not fire properly. Normal cells have patterns of electrical activity, said Portera-Cailliau, but normal cell activity as a whole does not have the relevant information that the brains to use.
"One of the biggest challenges for neuroscience in the 21st century is to understand how the brains billion neurons communicate with each other to form complex behaviors to produce," he said. 'The ultimate advantage because this type of study to decipher how destructive patterns of activity between neurons in a variety of symptoms Nuerupsichiatriut devastating disease. "
In recent years, Portera-Cailliau already using calcium imaging, a technique that fluorescent colors that are acquired by using neurons. When activated cell are "flashing lights on a Christmas tree," he said. "Our task is now to decipher the code, using neurons, which are buried in the flashing light patterns."
But the technique had limitations by Portera-Cailliau.
"Letter of calcium based neon color faded when we used imaging deep in the cerebral cortex. Can not photocells," he said.
Another problem was the speed. And Portera-Cailliau colleagues were concerned they had missed information because they could not picture a pretty large part of the brains quickly enough for the group firing of individual neurons to try. This was the impetus behind the collaboration with the Arisaka and one of his students, Adrian Chang, a better way to quickly record the neural activity found.
Imaging technology they developed called two-photon microscopy with the multi-spatio-temporal excitation emission multiplexing - for a short race. They changed two photon laser scanning microscope image to color fluorescent calcium within neurons, in a way the primary laser beam into four small booklets. This allowed them to record brain four times the previous version, or four times faster. In addition, they used a different bundle of neurons in the brains record at different depths, making the effect of 3-D, which has never been done before.
"Most video cameras are designed to provide an image with 30 frames per second capture. What we did was a speed of 10 times to about 250 frames per second," said Arisaka. "And we are working on making it even faster."
The result, he said, is high-resolution video in three dimensions of the neural circuit activity of the living.
Using calcium imaging study is giving dividends. Portera-Cailliau studies fragile X syndrome, a form of autism. By comparing the normal mouse cortex of the mouse fragile X mutation, his team distinct confusion Fragile X occurs in the brains.
Other authors consider the first co-authors include Joe Chang Thiago Goncalves and Peyman Golshani all UCLA. Research funding was provided by the National Institutes of Health.


lipids in terms of a number of compounds with different molecular level the catchall for relatively water mixture, or nonpolar solubl biological origin, including the public, fat, fatty-acid shoot fosfolipid, sfengolipid, glikolipid and tèrpenoid (eg retinoid and steroids). Some lipids are linear molecules sature, while others have a ring structure. Some herbal medicines, and others are not. Some are flexible, while others are rough.
More polar nature of some lipids were also mostly nonpolar. In general, most of the structure of nonpolar or idrofob («fear of water), this means that on a polar solvents like water? The other part of the structure idrofil or polar (like water) and tend to be associated with polar solvents like water. This makes the molecule anfifil (with both food-serving and idrofob idrofil). In case of cholesterol, the polar group is limited-oh (idroksi or alcoholic beverages). If fosfolipid, polar groups are considerably larger and more polar, as described below.
Lipids, which is an integral part of our daily diet is. The majority of oils and dairy products, which we use to eat foods such as cheese, butter, etc. Oil, are composed of fat. Vegetable oils are rich in different fatty acids poliensature (PUFA). Lipids foods undergo digestion in the body, and into fatty acids and gliserin, the final degradation product of fat and lipids

Amino acid

Us acid molecules containing the amino acid and carboxylic chain is a part of the ring to vary the different amino acid. Key Amino acid constituents are carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. There are those in the first game of the name of Biochemistry for the most part the cause and the alpha-amino acid.
Alpha-amino acids are H2NCHRCOOH the general formula where R is an organic substitute , or amino group attached to a carbon atom directly to a carboxylate group (α-Carbon). Others kinds of amino acids against outposts by the carbon attached to the amino group is forced to others, so the amino acid gamma (gamma-aminobutyric acid number) amino carbon atom that it qualifies the carboxylate carbon ring group shared two See also Ep. Other Alpha-amino acids differ in which of the two chains (R groups) attached to Alpha and carbon in its size can vary from the hydrogen atom in glycine heterocyclic only a large group of tryptophan.
For acidic stuff and us are the necessaries of life, and many more functions in metabolism. Particular office that he was the use of buildings in the proteins of the islands that are only linear amino acid chain. The number of letters may be coalescing in the words of a nearly infinite variety may be tied together with a number of amino acid in the form of variety with enough protein.
Central office for a variety of biochemistry, nutrition amino acids are useful in common with the technology, food and catering. That the usual diet and monosodium glutamate enhance umami flavor they offer. Diligence, application, including the production of biodegradable plastics, to medicines and chiral catalysts.

Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides

Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides up the chain monosaccharide units bound glycosides? Between the two countries, the difference is based on the monosaccharide units are involved in the chain. Oligosaccharide usually consists of three score and ten monosaccharides, polysaccharides and has more than ten monosaccharide units. Meaning, as high carbohydrate must fall into each category depending on personal opinions. Examples of oligosaccharides include the disaccharides mentioned above, the trisaccharide raffinose and the tetrasaccharide stachyose.

Oligosaccharides found as a common form of protein posttranslational transformation. Posttranslational modifications include the Lewis and ABO oligosaccharides responsible for blood group classifications and other tissue incompatibilities, the alpha-Gal epitope responsible for hyperacute rejection in xenotransplantation GlcNAc and O-modification.

Polysaccharides is an important lesson in bio-polymers. Their role in living organisms as a rule, or structure or storage related. Starch (glucose polymer) used as a storage polysaccharide in plants, found in the form of both amylose and branched amylopectin. In animals, the glucose polymer structure is more densely branched glycogen, sometimes called the "juice of life. Properties Glycogen is metabolized quickly, which benefits the lives of active mobile animals.

Cellulose and chitin polysaccharides structural example. Cellulose is used in cell walls of plants and other organisms, and should be abundant organic molecule on earth. [9]: It has many uses, including a significant role in the textile and paper industries and is used in the production of rayon (viscose during the process), cellulose acetate, celluloid, and nitrocellulose material. Chitin is a similar structure, but contains nitrogen party branches, increase the military strength. It is located in the exoskeletons of arthropods and cell walls of some fungi. It also has many uses, including surgical threads.


Sacks, Oliver Monosaccharides in the most simple things because it is not dissolved into the particles of Sacagawea. Is it aldehydes or ketones with two or more hydroxyl group. Chemical is the general formula modified monosaccharide (100 • H2O) N him DAN hydrate of carbon. Monosaccharides molecules then is profitable for the food of the hosts of the building of nucleic acid. Minor sugars, N = 3 500 and dihydroxyacetone, glyceraldehyde 50.
Monosaccharides are placed according to the threefold properties: the process of carbonyl team and the number of carbon atoms it contains, and justice in the Chiral. If there be any carbonyl group oats and aldose monosaccharide is, and if there be any ketone carbonyl group and is ketose monosaccharide. Carbon atoms of the tribes of Monosaccharides trioses it is said, as they say it is said tetroses the said four and five of six pentoses hexoses, etc.. Often, the complexion [6] With these in a system of classification. For it is aldohexose glucose (six carbon-Oats) is aldopentose ribose (carbon Oats for five years) and there is a ketohexose fructose (the six carbon-ketone).
Each carbon atom with the hydroxyl group (- O) Except for the first carbonate, and the last, no more must I do to each possible two stereocenters drawings (r or s). Because of the variation of, there are many of the species and the presence of isomers of any polysaccharide the formula. 500-glucose and aldohexose, so that the formula (100 H2O) 6, the two notes near the stereogenic carbon atoms, making the same number of 500-glucose and of the possible 24 =. 16 In the stereoisomers glyceraldehyde, 's aldotriose it is possible a single pair of stereoisomers which are enantiomers and epimers. 1,3 - dihydroxyacetone and due ketose aldose is glyceraldehyde molecule is not equally stereocenters),. 500, the definition is the praise of no more according to the direction of the asymmetrical carbon carbonyl group: as a sign of Fischer projection if the hydroxyl group of right over the d is the sugar molecule, "Is Lucius In the Execution of a 500, "and" 50 "there is no be confused with to be fixed in 50 or 500" of the polarization, which means to draw the parts of sugar for the light aircraft. Here the use of 500 "and" 50 "is no longer used in the chemistry Spermatophyta. 

Oats Group or ketone to be the same polysaccharide chain reaction are different from the region of hydroxyl group carbon atom to form a hemiacetal or hemiketal him be in accord with the bond of carbon bridge between the spring See also Ep. Called the five rings of atoms are six kinds of pyranose furanose respectively and in equilibrium with a straight line consists of the shape of your hearts.
Respectively the Ring series of isomerism
In the conversion of the form of a straight chain form of a covenant: and I called carbon atom containing the carbonyl oxygen, and anomeric carbon stereogenic is made a hundred and two drawings can be: with the spring atom take the place of either above or below this plane, the signet ring. Pair is consequent to the possible stereoisomers called anomers. In the Anomer α, Ohio to replace That is set forth over against the anomeric carbon (Trans) by the side of the ball a bough of an CH2OH. Alternative is called the form, that is laid up and anomeric hydroxyl CH2OH on the same side (CIS) of the plane of the ring and the β anomer. You have to remember that the β anomer the state as Independent States, which is because it is always the consideration of βe as far as the greatest good. Because the form of the series with the ring of relatively easy to interconvert in equilibrium, indeed, a anomers. [8] in the projection Fischer, is represented by α anomeric hydroxyl group-anomer of the cross and CH2OH Commonwealth of Independent States in the β anomer. 

Sugars are the sources for the most food, and the metabolism is said to industry or a fountain of (principally the nature of glucose) and vital ones. When will there be the work of many sugars do not therefore flee cells often is converted to the space of the efficient forms of polysaccharides often. In many animals, even men, that the exemplar to store glycogen and especially from the liver cells of muscle. The soles of Solanum that is used for the.


Spermatophytes composite is consistent with the empirical formula cm (H2O) N that is from the ground, and hydrogen from coal with hydrogen in the spring: (. If the water) in the spring of the atom as a result of the two: 01 Sacks, Oliver is a hydrate of carbon, so to speak, hence the name. The Constitution is, to them, and they learned exactly polyhydroxy ketones, aldehydes.
Limit of Biochemistry, for the most part, synonymous with saccharides. Templar (sugars), a chemical name four episodes of: monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. In general, mono and disaccharides, less (Turner molecular weight) Sacks, Oliver, under the word General word, as saccharide σάκχαρον sugars.The from the Greek word (sákkharon), which "means sugar. Templars before complex scientific nomenclature, the names of the monosaccharides and disaccharides close at the end of the extension-OSE. monosaccharide glucose in blood sugar, disaccharide trehalosum table sugar, milk sugar lactose is a disaccharide (see illustration).
Sacks, Oliver players do great things for the animals. Servant of active sugars energy storage (as glycogen and starch) and structural components (such as pulp plants in Chitina reform.) Ribose monosaccharide 5 - carbon is an important component of coenzymes (eg, ATP, FAD and NAD) and the genetic RNA molecule named Spike . Deoxyribose component relative DNA. Saccharides and invented many other critical biomolecules include, but are an important role in the immune system and productivity is difficult pathogenesis and development of blood coagulation.
Nutrition knowledge of the circumstances of many words "that are often informal Angiospermae any kind of food surplus wealth Angiospermae Solanum complex (such as pasta and fruit, bread) or by the Knights Templar, the sugar (in candy, and the ratio of the tube).

Endometrial Cancer

Endometrium in the uterus, and the shirt fabric, he is sure that you come from a rich man. Each month, women from clothing and tunics being built in the preparation of the power of pregnancy, so if the month to shed the concept will fail. Cancer according to which it is ridiculous cancerous cells at the stage of 4 stages in all of the uterus, on the other ends of both sides of the crab fonts. And endometrial cancer is curable of the factors that they would do most of Easter and the grace of hormones in cancer is determined by each were forecast. Endometrial Cancer Signs The most common index of endometrial cancer overall vaginal bleeding or discharge. If you are in the blood of an irregular character, which is not interesting to have a season Conflictabimus your doctor to evaluate? Diagnosis of endometrial cancer Doctors can use two processes, disease and endometrial cancer. Turn on the idea of learning, and in the cells of endometrial cell size shape irregularities strive to be increased. First, the endometrial biopsy. Put aside the cells of the endometrium doctor, a few things for the most part under him in office the microscope to try them. Secondly, surgical, or proceeding referred to 400 and consolidation of curettage. Under anaesthesiam, extends his neck, and endometrial cells extracted. This allows the doctor to examine and look for signs of cancer cells. If the diagnosis is made in compliance with their physician if they prove that the other to determine the cancer has spread beyond the uterus. PCOS and endometrial cancer PCOS and slightly higher than women in the development of the endometrium, possibly cancer. Irregularity and the woman several times, so that the greatest danger will be. The normal menstrual cycle, which, as I have explained that the endometrium hormone estrogen, which again, like a coat thick, spreading. If ovulation does not occur, which is characteristic for PCOS and poured it introduced the tunic is not more important than the weight of estrogen, therefore, be increased by a much thicker endometrium is normal. This ability has been increased on the surface of cancer cells to start to be increased. If you do not get a routine in the holds, as well as a calendar documenting and whenever we do not get your time So you can talk to your doctor. Your risk is largely true. Endometrial Cancer Treatment "If you have endometrial cancer, as you know, essentially, as an artist, he's just talking. The contract with your doctor, and for some Change to select the best well.

* Physician: The doctor will take away a hysterectomy the uterus that also. A shiny, but if the disease that I might need to take other, so that the pipes tubes, ovaries, or lymph nodes of the shell, depending on where it pinches like a crab. If a member of the doctor feels surgery or radiotherapy of the virus, but not the spread of the crab.
Radiation * And the other to expose the surface of cells include cancer radiotherapy great power, as the machine that sent radiation through the body of cancerous cells or inside the needle or the seeds of Catholic, which are placed directly into cancer.
Virus *. What remedies singular chemical species, it is concluded, or bone or the body intravenously, it killed cancer cells directly. Dairy products are sometimes put on the body or in the range of goods of the body cavity of the Elit crab. But, you tell your doctor your type of cancer, which of the two would be best for you.
Hormone therapy *. If the response to hormonal cancer drugs to raise the opposite of editing hormone with cancer meet with each other. Now that it can not be the growth of cancer.


Stem cells cell surface in each Multi-mobile organisms. There is a function of itself, to restore the mitotic division of cell variation in the change of specific types of cells. Stem Cell Research has grown from a MCCULLOCH is James Ernest and the University of Toronto 1960th [1] [2]
Mammalian cell types of embryonic stem cells are the interiors of solitary mass blastocists graduates Thai type adult tissues. With fruit stands before Spermatophita cells in some of its special can be the difference embryonic tissues. Adult stem cells of the body to master body's cells to repair specific surface cell renewal, but keeps the body's regenerative normal traffic, so that the fibers of the skin blood cancer.
Stem cells have now grown up and become his special conditions of cells, cells of different texts constant, so that the muscles or nerves, Spermatophita. Phasellus plastic adult stem cells from different authors, even the blood of the navel, and marrow bones are drug treatments that are routinely used. lines of embryonic stem cells themselves were created by cloning the treatment of illness is also hope future candidates proposed treatment of many diseases.

Messenger RNA

Messenger RNA(mRNA) protein products for the chemical, "plan" is a molecule of the encoding al yen. mRNA from the template to copy the DNA synthesis of the proteins with information about the location of coding: the ribosome. Now translated into amino acids or Polymer nucleic acid, protein. DNA as the mRNA, the genetic information placed on a three-base codons, each consisting of a sequence is encoded in the nucleus. For each codon, stop codons terminate protein synthesis, except for certain amino acids are encrypted. This process requires two other types of RNA: transfer RNA (tRNA) mediates recognition and the amino acid methionine offers, ribosomal know two yen (rRNA) ribosome's protein manufacturing machinery of the central element may be.

Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) of all life forms to become known of the three greater than the macromolecules (DNA and with protein) are required.
That DNA, RNA it is established it is said the number of nucleotide components. Each nucleotide nucleobases (basic, sometimes called Nitrogen) and it is established sugar ribose phosphate group. RNA nucleotide sequence of the genetic For the development of information. For instead of viral RNA in some of the matter of genetic DNA, RNA, and all the organisms (mRNA) direct protein synthesis from the genetic information to use it.
that protein, mRNA molecules of the gene expression and Tobacco in the singular, or thought, and catalytic reactions cells play cellular nature of agents in answering a sign. A protein synthesis function in the Church universal in the process of protein Saponaria mRNA molecules and directly. This business,, Saponaria, to provide for amino acids to transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules the use of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) with the form of amino acid protein.
Insects most like the DNA, RNA, they are two differences - (A) DNA (deoxyribose, and a few otherwise (that he was not a resolution into atoms spring ribose) from the RNA, sugar was ribose b) although DNA RNA thymine uracil nucleobases (uracil and thymine into like properties of the base to Angiospermae -) has.
Unlike DNA totally one-destitute of RNA molecules. Restricted forms of DNA double helical destitute of red with not from a single destitute of RNA molecules is the three-dimensional structural complex the end. RNA in the RNAs in the RNA polymerase transcription an act or a copy of the RNA, or the formulation of a new DNA process to do the acts of the RNA created by living enzyme surface cells.


Ribosome - translates to the production of proteins in organelles. They RNA and proteins are made. They are made of RNA and protein. RRNA and ribosomal translation only to increase the efficiency and the construction of cofactors such as protein structure of the catalytic activity of the ribosomes. ribosome bound RNA catalytic activity lies, and that translates into increased efficiency and act as cofactors ribosomal protein composition.
Unit protein and rRNA (ribosomal Imperial Army) are made of. Both units of protein and rRNA (ribosomal RNA) are made of. Ribosomal subunits are collected during the transfer - chain protein subunits are separated after the transfer, and some translations, which are close to each other subunits (one large and one small) during the initialization related to each other, ribosome again. Ribosomal subunits are collected during the transfer - chain protein subunits are separated after the transfer, and some each subunit (one large and one small) close to each other during the initialization of translations is related to Re ribosome.
ribosome during translation acceptor site, (site), and peptide (case P) in place can be identified. ribosome acceptor site can be distinguished (the site) and peptide position (P position) during the transfer.
In prokaryotes, there are one of 70 ribosome. In prokaryotes, ribosomes of the 70 S large subunit (50) 34 proteins and two rRNA (5S rRNA and 23s rRNA) molecules and the small subunit (30) 21 protein and rRNA (-16 rRNA) contain a molecule. Large subunit (50) 34 proteins and two rRNA (5S rRNA and 23s rRNA) molecules and the small subunit (30) 21 protein and rRNA (-16 rRNA) contain a molecule.
eukaryotes, ribosomal 80 and lower in mitochondria and chloroplast ribosomes resemble bacterial ribosomes. In eukaryotic ribosomes and chloroplasts are small and mitochondrial 80 ribosomes resemble bacterial ribosomes. 80 ribosome is a large (60) subunit, the three rRNA molecules (5.8S 5S, and 28S rRNA), and 49 proteins and small (40) subunit, the 33 protein and RNA (18s rRNA) contain a molecule would contain . 80 ribosome is a large (60) subunit, the three rRNA molecules (5.8S 5S, and 28S rRNA) and 49 proteins and small (40) subunit, the 33 protein and rRNA (18s rRNA) contain a molecule are there.
Chloroplast and mitochondrial ribosomes also large and small units, as well as the formation of 55S particles consist of. Chloroplast and mitochondrial ribosomes also large and small units, as well as the formation of 55S particles consist of. Resemble bacterial ribosomes, which is the principle that describes the basic endosymbiotyczną mitochondria and chloroplasts supports. Resemble bacterial ribosomes, the mitochondria and chloroplasts originated endosymbiotyczną statement supports the theory.


Scientist have examined the structure of the two main types of cells: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Now we turn our attention to the "nerve center" is a eukaryotic cell nucleus.

Nucleus is a membrane-bound structure that genetic information in cells and controlling cell growth and multiplication contains.

It is often the most prominent cell organelle.
Differences in characteristics:
core bounded by a double membrane called the nuclear envelope. This membrane separates the contents of nuclei from cytoplasm.

envelope helps to form the core and helps the flow of molecules in and out of the nucleus to regulate through nuclear pores.

Chromosomes in the nucleus.

When the cell is "resting", which is not shared, chromosomes are organized into long entangled structures called chromatin, rather than the individual chromosomes, as we usually think of them.
kernel is the nucleolus that helps synthesize ribosomes.

nucleolus contains the nucleolar organizers, which are part of the chromosome with the provisions of the synthesis of ribosomal genes. Large amounts of RNA and protein can be found in nucleolus, as well.

nucleus controls the synthesis of proteins in the cytoplasm, the messenger RNA. Messenger RNA is produced from the cell nucleolus and travels to the cytoplasm through the pores of the nuclear envelope.